LIBBY is here and will FOREVER for you!!!

Thursday, February 8, 2007


feb, 8, 2007


The circle of classrooms known as "the circles."


Kids are late to their classes because they are having a difficult time getting in and out of the circles.


A factor of the circle dilemma is that EVERYBODY is going the same way, the fastest way out.
Another factor are the doors that close off the circles because they sometimes close and kids are too focused on getting to their next class that they can't, or won't, reopen the door.


My solution is that the school either gets rid of the circles or they make the students walk to the right when class is over, so there is one side avalible for the kids that seem a little to eager to get to their next class.


Kelsey Wandmacher said...

I think that your contributing factors were really good and described the problem well. Good Job :]

Kelsey W. Hr. 5

Jim said...

Libby: First, change the font color because I'm going blind trying to read this thing. Second, you need more evidence that this is truly a problem. So far there are kids lining up in the circles for evidence. I need more to prove this is a true problem at school. Otherwise, thanks for keeping up to date with your assignments and keep working hard! -- Mr. Hatten

...ME... said...

hello Libby... well, when i was reading your problem/solution paper i think that you did very good. i beleive that the cirle is a problem at school along with all the other problem that the other student have post too. But anyways your problem/solution paper is over all very good. take care...okay...bye bye....

Anonymous said...

Ur problem is pretty good. A little more evidence would be helpful though. Nice job.

Kristin R. Hr. 3